School in a Bus - Read Foundation

Bridging the Learning Gap for Refugee Children in Conflict Zones

“More than 20 million children are out of school in conflict zones” – UNICEF.

After eleven years, the ongoing Syrian crisis has left Lebanon with the largest number of refugee children. Educating these children is one of the most challenging and underpromoted needs to date. Sadly, statistics show that more than half of refugee children in Lebanon, aged 3-18 years of age, are out of school, and some have never even attended.

As a result of logistical difficulties in building a solid school structure and geographical challenges with the camps, READ Foundation created an innovative solution.

Welcome to our ‘School in a Bus’ programme!

How you can HELP?

How you can help

Our bus hosts a mobile classroom and drives between the refugee camps in Beqaa, Lebanon – giving up to 300 children aged 6-14 years a basic education every month.

Children who were previously growing up without any form of structured learning are now able to receive a quality education, as well as psychosocial support, in a safe and nurturing environment.

A one-off payment of $600 or a monthly instalment of $50 can support a child with tuition, school resources and food for a year.

Active buses providing a basic education.
Children aged 6 - 14 years receive a basic education monthly
Teachers supported through our project.
Students educated in 2022.

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